Parent-Child Relationship

What your child learns by imitating you

One of our key tasks is to set a good example to our children. This is because children imitate everything they see in adults, particularly in the first five years of their lives.

Children mimic adults for better or worse. She watched and studied their little eyes in us, worked on actions, copied gestures, and introduced words, phrases, and even roles. We know that children are never going to be perfect copies of their parents, however significant the effect we leave on them is. We should encourage children’s learning by reflecting parents.

reflecting parents

Kids should not only imitate their kin. They do not have isolated instances, as we know well. Today, they have more social stimulation than ever before, and even “models” outside their own homes or schools. TV and the new technologies that they have been using since a very young age cannot be overlooked.

They are influenced by what they see, hear, and see around them. We adults construct this vast theater of characters that they mimic and can influence their behavior and even the way they view the world.

Why are children’s imitating parents?

We know that children mimic adults, but why? This almost instinctive behavior is not only used for learning in humans (and other animals): imitation also gives a sense of belonging and allows people to identify themselves as groups.

So are the kids like the sponges who seem to imitate everything they see? What is more, at what age are you beginning to see what surrounds you to start modeling after that? Let us take a look at that. Let us take a look at that.

When do children begin to imitate adults?

We know that imitation begins soon after birth. Some newborns are copying facial movements like tongues. However, this stage will not mature reliably until it is over a year old.

Choose the kids who and what to imitate?

Before we question whether children imitate for imitation or whether they have the choice of who they copy, it is interesting to know that some stimuli are more attractive to them than others. It has been found that if a child is surrounded by other childs and adults of the same age, it appears to imitate their peers behavior. Their neurons activate even better when someone has similar features.